Before and After School Care
Our school day is 8:30am - 3pm Monday - Friday, however we offer full wrap around care provision for the pupils of North Worcester Primary. This takes place daily in the main hall and consists of a hugely popular breakfast club and staggered after school care with a variety of pick up times.
For any wrap bookings or queries please email
The contact number for WRAP if you are running late for pick up is 07435 217417. Please note this number is only manned 7.30am - 8.30am and 3.00pm - 6.00pm
Breakfast Club
7:30am - 8:20am >>>>> £4.00 per child.
Our breakfast menu consists of toast, crumpets, cereal, fresh fruit and yogurt. We also provide a water and fruit juices.
(All school compliant)
After School Care
3:00pm - 4:00pm >>>>> £4.00 per child.
3:00pm - 5:00pm >>>>> £8.00 per child.
3:00pm - 6:00pm >>>>> £12.00 per child.
Our after school menu runs on a 3 week cycle
We strive to provide a wide range of activities including:
How To Book
Should you need to book wrap around care sessions please follow the process below:
- Before making any wrap bookings, please ensure that you have signed and returned the Terms and Conditions document - available below or from the school office.
- If you are paying for your wrap with Childcare Vouchers - complete the booking form - available below, or a hard copy from the school office.
- If you are paying for your wrap by debit/ credit card or BACS, please visit ParentPay to book your sessions directly.
- The booking deadline is the 15th of the month for the start of the following month (ie 15th August for bookings in September).
- Emergency sessions can be requested by calling the school office on 01905 953850.
- Should your child have a food allergy, please complete and return the Allergen Diet Form below.
- You can choose to use childcare vouchers to pay for wrap around care. Please call the school office on 01905 953 850 if you would like to pay with childcare vouchers.
Important - wrap is very popular - we may not be able to accommodate bookings received after the 15th of the month.